Our Solution

Agri Module Smart System
Agri Module Smart System is a network of smart sensors driven by powerful AI based crop intelligence and farm management software to aid farmers across the globe with instant access to soil and crop health. It helps farmers accomplish high crop productivity and high-profit margins.
Our Vision
To Empower Farmers & Lead the Transition Towards Tackling One of the Biggest Problem of this Century;
“Energy-Water-Food” Nexus.
Who We Are
Solarvibes is an Ag-Tech startup formed with an ultimate goal to empower farmers with world’s most powerful soil and crop analytics. We help farmers with valuable insights about their soil and crops with our smart sensors to avoid losses and increase their profits.
Supported by

This project is funded by KATANA (Emerging industries as key enablers for the adoption of advanced technologies in the agrifood sector, Horizon 2020 project No. 691478), under the funding framework of the European Commission”.